You may submit individual paper proposals or pre-organised session proposals for a full panel. Please note:
- Session duration: 90 minutes
- Minimum number of presentations per session: 3
- Presentation duration: Not exceeding 20 minutes per paper
- Session format: Usually presentation of individual papers followed by discussion and Q&A. Other session formats may be proposed.
Individual paper proposals
Proposals must be submitted through the XR2016 online system - this means that if you do not already have an “EasyChair” account from a previous conference you will need to create one. Go to the XR2016 submission site and either create an EasyChair account or log in to your existing one. You will then be able to submit your proposal.
The following information is required:
- name of author,
- email address,
- name of associated institution; and
- paper abstract of 150 words maximum.
Pre-organised sessions
The conference welcomes full session proposals that include a nominated chair, three paper presenters and discussants (if desired). Session proposals may also contain four papers but must adjust the presentation time to fit within a 90 minute session.
Pre-organised panels/sessions may also be proposed. Proposals must also be submitted through the XR2016 online system - this means that the corresponding/proposing author will need to register for an EasyChair account (if you do not already have one from a previous conference). Go to the XR2016 submission site and either create an EasyChair account or log in to your existing one. You will then be able to submit your proposal. Only the corresponding author will need an EasyChair account and should submit all details for all authors as follows:
The following information is required:
- name of all author/presenters,
- email address of all author/presenters,
- name of associated institution for all author/presenters,
- session title in the “title” field; and
- a list of at least three presenters, paper titles, and abstracts in the order they should appear in the program (maximum total word count 600).
Session Organisers may ask the Organising Committee ( to arrange multiple sessions for a topic if they have at least six presenters. Proposed multiple sessions must be distinguished by themes and give informative names to the additional session(s) rather than adding I, II, etc to the same title. Each session must also have a different proposed chair.
The Organising Committee will issue a conditional acceptance of proposed individual papers and sessions by email to the corresponding author. Upon completion of registration, the committee will issue a formal acceptance letter to registered participants and list it as “Confirmed” on the conference website.
All presenters (including all session organisers and participants) must be registered for the conference. An individual paper or session is considered “Proposed” rather than “Confirmed” if all its participants have not completed registration. The status of “Proposed” sessions or papers will be updated to “Confirmed” once all registration is completed. In cases where not all participants register, the Organising Committee may make arrangements to reorganise a session with other registered participants and may change the title of the session if necessary. If, for any reason, a Session Organiser is unable to follow through on the commitment of Organising a session, the Session Organiser should contact the Organising Committee immediately.